The intended use of this method is for smoothing, although by specifying
and ws
differently one can achieve highpass or bandpass filtering
as well. However, only lowpass filtering should be done on pupillometry data.
- eyeris
An object of class
derived fromload()
.- wp
The end of passband frequency in Hz (desired lowpass cutoff).
- ws
The start of stopband frequency in Hz (required lowpass cutoff).
- rp
Required maximal ripple within passband in dB.
- rs
Required minimal attenuation within stopband in dB.
- plot_freqz
Boolean flag for displaying filter frequency response.
system.file("extdata", "memory.asc", package = "eyeris") |>
eyeris::load_asc() |>
eyeris::deblink(extend = 50) |>
eyeris::detransient() |>
eyeris::interpolate() |>
eyeris::lpfilt(plot_freqz = TRUE) |>
plot(seed = 0)
#> ℹ Plotting block 1 from possible blocks: 1