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The intended use of this method is for removing pupil samples that emerge more quickly than would be physiologically expected. This is accomplished by rejecting samples that exceed a "speed"-based threshold (i.e., median absolute deviation from sample-to-sample). This threshold is computed based on the constant n, which defaults to the value 16.


detransient(eyeris, n = 16, mad_thresh = NULL)



An object of class eyeris dervived from load().


A constant used to compute the median absolute deviation (MAD) threshold.


Default NULL. This parameter provides alternative options for handling edge cases where the computed properties here within detransient() \(\text{mad\_val}\) and \(\text{median\_speed}\) are very small. For example, if $$\text{mad\_val} = 0 \quad \text{and} \quad \text{median\_speed} = 1,$$ then, with the default multiplier \(n = 16\), $$\text{mad\_thresh} = \text{median\_speed} + (n \times \text{mad\_val}) = 1 + (16 \times 0) = 1.$$ In this situation, any speed \(p_i \ge 1\) would be flagged as a transient, which might be overly sensitive. To reduce this sensitivity, two possible adjustments are available:

  1. If \(\text{mad\_thresh} = 1\), the transient detection criterion is modified from $$p_i \ge \text{mad\_thresh}$$ to $$p_i > \text{mad\_thresh}.$$

  2. If \(\text{mad\_thresh}\) is very small, the user may manually adjust the sensitivity by supplying an alternative threshold value here directly via this mad_thresh parameter.


An eyeris object with a new column in timeseries: pupil_raw_{...}_detransient.


Computed properties:

  • pupil_speed: Compute speed of pupil by approximating the derivative of x (pupil) with respect to y (time) using finite differences.

    • Let \(x = (x_1, x_2, \dots, x_n)\) and \(y = (y_1, y_2, \dots, y_n)\) be two numeric vectors with \(n \ge 2\); then, the finite differences are computed as: $$\delta_i = \frac{x_{i+1} - x_i}{y_{i+1} - y_i}, \quad i = 1, 2, \dots, n-1.$$

    • This produces an output vector \(p = (p_1, p_2, \dots, p_n)\) defined by:

      • For the first element: $$p_1 = |\delta_1|,$$

      • For the last element: $$p_n = |\delta_{n-1}|,$$

      • For the intermediate elements (\(i = 2, 3, \dots, n-1\)): $$p_i = \max\{|\delta_{i-1}|,\,|\delta_i|\}.$$

  • median_speed: The median of the computed pupil_speed: $$median\_speed = median(p)$$

  • mad_val: The median absolute deviation (MAD) of pupil_speed from the median: $$mad\_val = median(|p - median\_speed|)$$

  • mad_thresh: A threshold computed from the median speed and the MAD, using a constant multiplier \(n\) (default value: 16): $$mad\_thresh = median\_speed + (n \times mad\_val)$$


system.file("extdata", "memory.asc", package = "eyeris") |>
  eyeris::load_asc() |>
  eyeris::deblink(extend = 50) |>
  eyeris::detransient() |>
  plot(seed = 0)
#>  Plotting block 1 from possible blocks: 1