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Deblinking (a.k.a. NA-padding) of time series data. The intended use of this method is to remove blink-related artifacts surrounding periods of missing data. For instance, when an individual blinks, there are usually rapid decreases followed by increases in pupil size, with a chunk of data missing in-between these 'spike'-looking events. The deblinking procedure here will NA-pad each missing data point by your specified number of ms.


deblink(eyeris, extend = 40)



An object of class eyeris dervived from load().


Either a single number indicating the number of milliseconds to pad forward/backward around each missing sample, or, a vector of length two indicating different numbers of milliseconds pad forward/backward around each missing sample, in the format c(backward, forward).


An eyeris object with a new column: pupil_raw_{...}_deblink.


system.file("extdata", "memory.asc", package = "eyeris") |>
  eyeris::load_asc() |>
  eyeris::deblink(extend = 40) |> # 40 ms in both directions
  plot(seed = 0)
#>  Plotting block 1 from possible blocks: 1

system.file("extdata", "memory.asc", package = "eyeris") |>
  eyeris::load_asc() |>
  eyeris::deblink(extend = c(40, 50)) |> # 40 ms backward, 50 ms forward
  plot(seed = 0)
#>  Plotting block 1 from possible blocks: 1